We Advance Second Chances
An enduring belief in the American dream has powered decades of innovation, inspired generations of entrepreneurs and driven the economic growth of our nation.
But that dream is fraying for the nearly one in three U.S. adults – or 80 million Americans – who have a criminal record. For many of these individuals, a criminal record poses a significant barrier to employment, even when the record includes only a misdemeanor arrest or conviction.
Regardless of their qualifications, these individuals struggle to participate in the American workforce and contribute to their families and society. And there’s an opportunity cost for employers as well, who are unable to benefit from the talents of tens of millions of qualified candidates.
When people are given a fair opportunity to participate in the workforce, our economy and society are stronger. That is why we’re proud to serve as co-chairs of the Second Chance Business Coalition. Our goal is to encourage the nation’s largest employers to give more people with criminal backgrounds a second chance at the dignity of a good job and a better life for themselves and their families.
More inclusive hiring is a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty in many American communities. Having a fair opportunity for employment helps individuals and families strengthen their financial health and give back to their communities. These improvements translate to a better local economy, which boosts the business climate for all companies.
The Second Chance Business Coalition is a powerful effort to fortify the American dream and give many in our society a second chance they otherwise might never have.