Get Started
Learn why your organization should join the work to advance second chances and how you can get started.
The Case for Second Chance Employment
Resources to understand and explain the benefits of second chance hiring and advancement programs to companies, employees and candidates.
Featured resource
articleThe Business Case for Second Chance Employment: SCBC-produced piece describing how companies are benefiting from second chance programs.
Additional resources
Resetting the Record -- The Facts on Hiring People With Criminal Histories: Rand Corporation research brief countering misconceptions about hiring people with a criminal record.
The Business Case for Second Chance Employment: SCBC-produced piece describing how companies are benefiting from second chance programs.
Second Chance Research Summary: SCBC-produced piece compiling relevant data that is propelling second chance employment.
Getting Talent Back to Work: SHRM & Charles Koch Institute study on HR openness to second chance employment
Give Job Applicants with Criminal Records a Fair Chance: Harvard Business Review piece on benefits of second chance programs
Additional resources
Criminal Justice Reform Can Start with Employers Who Give Felons a Second Chance: A business leader’s perspective
A Unified Approach To Realizing The Value Of Untapped Talent: Data and information from the SHRM Foundation and Walmart
A Search for Qualified Workers: Wall Street Journal article about second chance employment as a solution to the labor market gap.
The Tools to Get You Started
Resources to help you develop and implement successful second chance hiring programs at your company or organization.
Additional resources
SCBC Legal Considerations Guide: A foundational understanding of legal considerations for companies as they accelerate their second chance employment efforts.
SCBC Onramps Guide: Starting points and pathways to build second chance employment into your talent strategy.
SCBC Community Partners Map: Connect with community-based organizations supporting second chance employment near you.
Building Community Partnerships: Find resources for developing partnerships with reentry and workforce organizations.
Employer Self-Assessment Tool: Employers can use this short Envoy questionnaire to evaluate their second chance practices.
Additional resources
Second Chance Corporate Cohort: Jobs for the Future’s program to support employers in adopting, implementing and accelerating second chance employment.
Getting Talent Back to Work Toolkit: SHRM Foundation provides high-quality resources to support second chance employment.
The Second Chance Playbook: DKBF-provided video content for business leaders and HR pros to get started.
Putting Partnerships to Work: Hear how employers partner with The Last Mile to prevent recidivism.
Insights From Justice-Impacted Talent: Five considerations from justice-impacted talent on how to address barriers to employment and career advancement.
The Change You Can Make
Resources that describe how companies and organizations are successfully implementing second chance employment and advancement strategies.
Featured resource
articleThe Business Community's Growing Commitment: CNBC article discusses the clear market signal that large employers are dedicated to second chances.
Additional resources
Business Leaders Make the Case for Second Chance Employment at The Wharton School of UPenn: SCBC members explore labor market trends and the business community’s role in promoting the benefits of second chance employment.
Business Leaders Make the Case for Second Chance Employment at Columbia Business School: SCBC members discuss increasing opportunity, removing hiring biases, employee retention and upward mobility.
Second Chance Hiring and Clean Slate Initiatives: JPMorgan piece on the positive impact second chance employment has on the broader American economy.
Business Roundtable Second Chance Policy Agenda: CEOs advocate for policies to promote second chance employment
Banking Success: SCBC Co-Chair and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chairman & CEO Jamie Dimon shares his company’s second chance journey in Ohio.
Additional resources
The Business Community's Growing Commitment: CNBC article discusses the clear market signal that large employers are dedicated to second chances.
Bridging the Labor Gap: Dane Linn of Business Roundtable explains how second chance employment can transform the labor market and outlines a straightforward 1-2-3 approach to advancing second chances.
Good for People & the Bottom Line: SCBC Co-Chair and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chairman & CEO Jamie Dimon discusses the economic and societal benefits of second chance employment practices.